Table 1

Table 1

State transition probabilities used in HEP-SIM model

Transition probabilities*ValueRangeReference
Acute to chronic HCV at the end of 6 months0.780.704–0.866 36
F0 to F10.1170.104–0.130 20
F1 to F20.0850.075–0.096 20
F2 to F30.1200.109–0.133 20
F3 to F40.1160.104–0.129 20
F4 to DC0.0390.010–0.079 21
F4 to HCC0.0140.010–0.079 21
F4SVR to DC0.0080.002–0.036 24
F4SVR to HCC0.0050.002–0.013 24
DC to HCC0.0680.030–0.083 22
DC (first year) to death from liver disease0.1820.065–0.190 22
DC (subsequent years) to death from liver disease0.1120.065–0.190 22
HCC to death from liver disease0.4270.330–0.860 21
LT (first year) to death from liver disease0.1160.060–0.420 37
PLT to death from liver disease0.0440.024–0.110 37
  • *All transition probabilities are annual, unless noted otherwise.

  • F0, no fibrosis; F1, portal fibrosis without septa; F2, portal fibrosis with few septa; F3, numerous septa without cirrhosis; F4, cirrhosis. DC, decompensated cirrhosis; HCC, hepatocellular carcinoma; HCV, hepatitis C virus; HEP-SIM, Hepatitis C Disease Burden Simulation; LT, liver transplantation (first year); PLT, postliver transplantation (>1 year); SVR, sustained virological response.