Table 5

Adjusted ORs† for breastfeeding support in late preterm infants

VariableBreastfeeding at 10 daysBreastfeeding at 6 weeks
N‡ (%)§aOR895% CIp ValueN12 (%)¶aOR895% C.Ip Value
Q6††: Received enough help and support with feeding in hospital
 Yes321 (89.2)1277 (77.0)1
 No102 (73.6)0.230.09 to 0.600.003**76 (71.0)0.570.24 to 1.330.190
 Not born in hospital12 (98.0)2.730.25 to 29.90.41111 (66.3)0.270.07 to 1.050.059
Q7: Received contact details for community support groups for breastfeeding
 No140 (73.9)1102 (69.2)1
 Yes293 (91.3)3.141.40 to 7.040.006**260 (77.9)1.860.87 to 3.950.106
Q9: Received help or information for feeding problems‡‡ encountered at home
 Had help103 (97.6)1100 (81.2)1
 No help given31 (86.6)0.410.04 to 4.080.44925 (76.9)0.860.18 to 3.990.845
 No problems302 (81.8)0.080.02 to 0.330.001**239 (73.1)0.690.29 to 1.640.402
  • *p<0.05; ** p<0.005; ***p<0.001.

  • †aOR with 95% CIs and p values. Adjusted for: antenatal feeding intention, knowing other mothers while pregnant and their feeding methods, type of delivery, parity with previous breastfeeding experience, receiving enough help/support in hospital, being given contact details for voluntary organisations/community support groups, receiving help/information for feeding problems at home.

  • ‡Sample size of women with each individual response to each question.

  • §Weighted percentage of women responding to each question who were still breastfeeding at 10 days.

  • ¶Weighted percentage of women responding to each question who were still breastfeeding at 6 weeks.

  • ††Question numbers refer to Breastfeeding support questions in table 1.

  • ‡‡Feeding problems at home could include feeding problems related to either formula feeding or breastfeeding.

  • aOR, adjusted ORs.