Table 2

All variables collected using the three different questionnaires

GP-related variables (paper-based questionnaire)
AgeDate of birth
Place of graduate trainingCity, country
Place of postgraduate trainingCity, country
Type of practiceIndependent/on-a-contract GP, group practice, healthcare network
Years of practice 1Year medical diploma was obtained
Years of practice 2Year started independent practice
Other activityAside from medical practice (eg, research; teaching; practice in a specific context, such as prison, hospice for elders, school in a company, etc)
City/countrysideLocation of the practice (urban, sub-urban, rural) + zipcode
Number of consultationsMean number of consults per week
Mean age of patientsMean age of patients in the practice population as determined using the electronic filing or electronic billing system
SubspecialtyMedical board specialty other than that of General Internal Medicine
Patient-related variables assessed through the GP survey (paper-based questionnaire)
AgeDate of birth
Visits to GP in the last yearNumber of visits to the GP in the last 12 months
Visits to GP in the last monthNumber of visits to the GP in the last month
Time followed by GPNumber of years that the patient has been treated by the GP
HospitalisationsNumber of hospitalisations in the last 12 months
Number of chronic conditionsNumber of chronic conditions from the list provided
List of chronic conditionsList of chronic conditions by decreasing order of importance
Conditions important to the patientList of the 3 chronic conditions the most important to the patient, according to the GP
Severity of each chronic conditionEvaluated using the cumulative illness rating scale
TreatmentCurrent treatment plan
RenouncementConditions voluntarily left untreated or suboptimally treated by the GP
InterdisciplinaritySpecialist MD/nurse/physiotherapist/rehabilitation therapist/caregiver
Treatment burdenSubjective estimation of the patient's treatment burden on a 0 to 10 scale (0= burden not important at all; 10= very important burden)
Patient-related variables assessed through the patient survey (telephone interview questionnaire)
AgeDate of birth
Marital statusPatient's marital status (single, married, separated or divorced, widow(er))
Place of educationCity, country
Mother tonguePatient's first language(s)
EducationHighest schooling level achieved (primary school, secondary school, practical training, high school or equivalent, superior degree non-university, university, other)
Size of the household/living situationNumber of adults (≥18 years old) and children (<18 years old) living with the patient
Number of MDsNumber of medical doctors (GPs and specialists) involved in the patient's treatment
Medical and social assistanceDoes the patient receive medical and/or social assistance?
PillboxUse of a pillbox (Y/N)
InterdisciplinarityCleaning help or meal delivery system
Health literacyHealth literacy will be assessed using the short 6-item HLS-EU questionnaire
PrioritisationMost important and second most important conditions
Quality of lifeQuality of life will be assessed using the EQ-5D-3L questionnaire
SESSES will be assessed using the DipCare questionnaire
Treatment burdenTreatment burden will be assessed using the treatment burden questionnaire
  • GP, general practitioner; HLS-EU, The European Health Literacy Survey; SES, socioeconomic status.