Table 2

Comparison of outcomes between patients classified as low risk and higher risk by the IMPACT prediction rule

Total, N (%)
N=34 108
Low risk, N (%)
N=11 025
Higher risk, N (%)
N=23 083
p Value*
In-hospital mortality1158 (3.4)88 (0.8)1070 (4.6)<0.001
Total treatment cost (mean±SD)$10 976±$12 240$8899±$8344$11 972±$13 610<0.001
Length of stay (days, mean±SD, %)5.2±4.54.3±3.35.6±4.9<0.001
 Within 1 day†3160 (9.6)1430 (13.1)1730 (7.9)<0.001
 Within 2 days†7791 (23.6)3397 (31.1)4394 (20.0)<0.001
 Within 3 days†12 715 (38.6)5215 (47.7)7500 (34.1)<0.001
  • *p Value for the comparison between low risk and higher risk groups.

  • †Calculated only when surviving to discharge.

  • IMPACT, In-hospital Mortality for PulmonAry embolism using Claims daTa.