Table 2

Predictor outputs of frailty risk prediction model (dependant variables)

NameTime spanDescriptionComments
Inpatient mortalityCurrent spellIndicates if the discharge destination was death
30-day emergency readmission30 days from dischargeIndicates if the patient had an emergency admission within 30 days of discharge from the current spell
Increase in functional dependenceCurrent spellBinary outcome indicates if the patient's discharge destination was associated with a higher level of functional dependence than the admission sourceSee functional dependence tiers below
TierValues in tier
  • The usual place of residence, including no fixed abode

  • Temporary place of residence when usually resident elsewhere, for example, hotels and residential educational establishments

  • Local authority part 3 residential accommodation: where care is provided

  • Non-NHS (other than Local Authority) run residential care home

  • NHS run nursing home, residential care home or group home

  • Non-NHS (other than Local Authority) run nursing home

  • NHS other hospital provider: ward for general patients or the younger physically disabled or A&E department

  • Non-NHS run hospital

  • Non-NHS (other than Local Authority) run hospice

  • A&E, accident and emergency; NHS, National Health Service.