Table 1

General characteristics of the included SRs

Overall (N=202)Cochrane SR (N=98)Non-Cochrane SR (N=104)p Value*
Number of included trials; median (IQR)5 (2–9)3 (2–8)6 (4–9)<0.0001
Number of participants in intervention group; median (IQR)426.5 (127–1141)289 (103–794)660 (221–1924)0.006
Number of participants in control group; median (IQR)418 (117–1026)271 (85–657)646 (212–1773)0.002
AMSTAR score; median (IQR)†9 (7–10)10 (9–10)7 (6–8.5)<0.0001
Pharmacological130 (64.4%)70 (71.4%)60 (57.7%)0.074
 Surgery/invasive procedure33 (16.3%)15 (15.3%)18 (17.3%)
 Other39 (19.3%)13 (13.3%)26 (25%)
Type of meta-analysis
 Standard meta-analysis186 (92.1%)88 (89.8%)98 (94.2%)0.30
 Metaregression18 (8.9%)3 (3%)15(14.4%)0.006
 Individual participant data meta-analysis7 (3.4%)2 (2%)5 (4.8%)0.45
 Other10 (5%)7 (7.1%)3 (2.9%)0.204
Evaluation of the risk of bias<0.0001
 Using the Cochrane Risk of Bias tool94 (46.5%)84 (85.7%)10 (9.6%)
 By dimensions (eg, blinding)39 (19.3%)8 (8.2%)31 (29.8%)
 Using Jadad's or other point system scale37 (18.3%)4 (4.1%)33 (31.7%)
 Not done18 (8.9%)0 (0%)18 (17.3%)
Used the GRADE approach to rate confidence in effect estimates32 (15.8%)27 (27.6%)5 (4.8%)<0.0001
 For profit source7 (3.5%)2 (2%)5 (4.8%)0.45
 Source other than for profit99 (49%)63 (64.3%)36 (34.6%)<0.0001
 Not funded23 (11.4%)9 (9.2%)14 (13.5%)0.34
 Not reported72 (35.6%)23 (23.5%)49 (47%)0.0005
Reported industry ties by authors<0.0001
 Yes37 (18.3%)19 (19.4%)18 (17.3%)
 No95 (47.0%)60 (61.2%)35 (33.7%)
 Not reported68 (33.7%)19 (19.4%)49 (47.1%)
 Unclear2 (1.0%)0 (0%)2 (1.9%)
  • *p Value for the difference between Cochrane and non-Cochrane SRs.

  • AMSTAR interpretation: 0–4: low quality; 5–8: moderate quality; 9–11 high quality.

  • AMSTAR, assessment of multiple systematic reviews; SR, systematic review.