TableĀ 3

Generation and elaboration of categories, subcategories and concept

Causes of fatiguePhysical factorsInnate weakness
Underlying disease
Negligence of healthcare
Personal characterSensitivity
Full of worry
Introverted character
Passive character
Compulsive and principled character
Symptoms of fatiguePhysical symptomsHeadaches
Heavy neck and shoulder
Sleep disturbances
Lack of attention
Memory deficits
Difficulty getting up in the morning
Change of eating habits
Psychological symptomsSensitive reactions
Lack of motivation
Lower self-esteem
Changes in everyday lifeLack of understanding of fatigue symptoms by others
Low performance in their workplaces
Passive in family and social life
Abstain from interpersonal relations
Selection of TKM treatmentReasonsPersistent fatigue symptom in spite of getting different treatment
Not obtaining a particular diagnosis from Western medicine
Recommendation for using TKM from family and colleagues
Positive effectsRelieve of fatigue- related symptoms
Restored their fitness
Fewer side effects
Feel more comfortable psychologically
Negative effectInconvenience of using TKM: medication
Inconsistent therapeutic effect of TKM
Recognition of TKMTKM perspective about fatigueTreating fatigue as a disease
Positive approach to the patient
Individually tailored prescriptions
Relationship with TKM doctorsFeel more comfortable with TKM doctors
TKM doctor as a good listener
Limitations of using TKMEconomic burden
Lack of establishment for the cost charge system: medical insurance
Requiring long-term period for treatment: taking medication
Non-standardised treatment
Vague treatment effects
Difficulty of treatment compliance
Daily life care along with fatigueTo lead a harmonious life with fatigueRecognise the limitations of TKM
Recognise the need for healthcare on their own
More positive self-management: exercise, swimming, meditation, listening music, stress reduction
Positive attitude towards life
  • TKM, traditional Korean medicine.