Table 2

Eligibility criteria

Inclusion criteriaExclusion criteria
▸ Evaluation studies with comparison groups and/or preintervention and postintervention data
▸ Adults rather than schoolchildren
▸ Data relating to commuting to work
▸ Written in English
▸ Correlation studies (identifying determinants of commuter cycling)
▸ No comparison groups or pre–post data available
▸ Did not provide outcome data in the format needed for this review
– Indiscriminate data (eg, has only aggregated data of walking and cycling)
– Irrelevant data (has data only on other forms of commuting, eg, walking only or cycling for recreation)
▸ Non-evaluation (eg, editorials, commentaries, opinion pieces)
▸ Others, eg
– Temporal/trend analysis of cycling behaviour
– Reviews of correlation studies
– School children
– Written in a language other than English