Table 2

Frequency distribution of days absent from work prevaccination and postvaccination among mothers with a firstborn child in the first year of life during the epidemic period and the non-epidemic period, and among women aged 30–35 years old with no firstborn child during the epidemic period only

Full cohort of women with firstborn child, epidemic period
 Total N165197180209223227221256265
 Total N of absent days281376301348361237221225238
 95% CI +2.0052.2011.9551.9241.8731.2641.2361.091.116
 95% CI−1.4011.6171.3891.4061.3650.8250.7640.6680.68
Cohort of women aged 30–35 year, epidemic period
 Total N814875985107411991006102611861289
 Total N of absent days160916471814204521531625166818792309
 95% CI +2.1062.0081.962.0211.9031.7111.741.6881.892
 95% CI−1.8471.7571.7241.7871.6891.5191.5121.4811.691
Full cohort of women with firstborn child, non-epidemic period
 Total N165197180209223227221256265
 Total N of absent days161115152174193166208241221
 95% CI +1.2030.8011.071.0261.0630.9311.1561.1361.023
 95% CI−0.7490.3670.6180.6390.6680.5320.7270.7460.645
  • N, working mothers.