Table 2

Retention in pre-ART care among patients who are not yet eligible for antiretroviral therapy (ART)

Country (reference)Period when retention was studiedDefinition of retentionRetention time pointRate of retention (%)Consideration of deaths and transfers for calculating the rateFactors associated with retention in pre-ART careFactors investigated but not associated with retention in pre-ART care
 Kenya, Malawi, Uganda12From enrolment in the HIV programme to end of the study regardless of the number of CD4 measurementsHaving missed an appointment for more than 6 monthsMedian: 18.4 months (IQR=8.5–32.2)68.4Deaths excluded
Transfers excluded when reported
Being old, female gender, BMI >18.5, low CD4 cell count, being diagnosed with TB, entry in VCT or PMTCT vs inpatient or outpatient services or medical referral, not eligible for ART at enrolment
 South Africa13Between the 1st and the 2nd CD4 measurementsReceiving a repeat CD4 count after delivery12 months23.2Transfers excluded when reported
No deaths reported
 South Africa14Between the 1st and the 2nd CD4 measurementsReceiving a second CD4 test within one year after the first CD4 staging12 months57.4Transfers excluded when reported
Deaths not excluded
≥30 years old, female gender, receiving TB treatmentNationality, being employed, CD4 cell count
 Kenya15Between the 1st and the 2nd CD4 measurementsNot being more than 60 days late for the scheduled appointmentUndefined81.9Deaths excluded
Transfers excluded when reported
Living ≤5 km from the main road, Not being singleGender, age, entry point in care, religion, education level, season, population density, WHO staging, BMI
After the 2nd CD4 measurementNot being more than 60 days late for the scheduled appointment after the second visitUndefined63.2Deaths excluded
Transfers excluded when reported
Low education level, living ≤5 km from the main road, wet seasonGender, age, marital status, entry point, religion, population density, WHO staging, BMI, CD4, Hb
 Guinea-Bissau16Between the 1st and the 2nd CD4 measurementsBeing less than 1 month late for the scheduled appointmentMedian: 147 days (IQR=7–653)27.2Deaths excluded
Transfers excluded when reported
>30 years old, having anaemia, attending school, being infected by HIV-1 (vs HIV-2)Sex, BMI, marital status, religion
 Kenya17UndefinedReturning to clinic less than 30 days after the next scheduled pharmacy or clinic appointment12 months75.5Transfers excluded when reported
Deaths not systematically taken into account
Being older, high BMI, enrolled after free cotrimoxazole provisionSex, TB status, baseline CD4 count
 South Africa18Between the 1st and the 2nd CD4 measurementsHaving a repeat CD4 count before 2009Undefined46.3Undefined≥30 years oldSex, year of HIV test
 South Africa19Between the 1st and the 2nd CD4 measurementsRepeating CD4 count within 13 months of the initial test13 months44.9No exclusion of deaths and transfersFemale gender, >25 years old, ≤350 CD4 cells/µL, not out-migrant, not full-time employed, not living in a household size >10
 Mozambique21UndefinedHaving less than 12 months elapsed since the last documented clinic visit12 months37.6Transfers and deaths excludedNon-pregnant female, >25 years old, having at least finished primary school, weight >56 kg, no WHO stage IMarital status, number of children, socioeconomic status, CD4 count,
 Uganda20From enrolment in the HIV programme to the end of the study regardless of the number of CD4 measurementsHaving seen an HIV provider in the 6 months before the interview30 months88.2Using of a weighing method for correcting the rate, taking into account all outcomes (transfers, deaths) after trackingHigh income, employment, high weight, urban settingAge, sex, CD4 level, education level, marital status, calendar date at enrolment
Conference abstracts
 Nigeria22From enrolment in the HIV programme to the end of the study regardless of the number of CD4 measurementsNo clinic appointment missed for three consecutive timesUndefined52.8No exclusionIntervention package: provision of free cotrimoxazole prophylaxis, harmonised pharmacy and laboratory appointments, task-shifting to nurses and data-clerks, same-day CD4 monitoring and receipt of results, integrated clinic services
 Zambia23From enrolment in the HIV programme to the end of the study regardless of the number of CD4 measurementsNo fail to return for an appointment on two and more occasion12 months51No details provided≥30 years old, >20 km from the hospitalGender, marital status, education level, monthly outcome, partner's HIV status, WHO clinical stage, CD4 cell count
  • Twelve studies in sub-Saharan Africa.

  • BMI, body mass index; Hb, haemoglobin; LTFU, loss to follow-up; PMTCT, prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV; TB, tuberculosis; VCT, voluntary counselling and testing.