Table 4

Theme—Core Concepts

CategoriesCore Concepts of mental health
Agency/autonomy/control“The core concepts of mental health that I find useful are very similar to Amartya Sen's conception of “capabilities”—the things a person is able and substantively free to do in pursuit of a life that the person has reason to value” (ie, Direction C)
“I would say that the positive subjective evaluation of one's own mental health focuses on the feeling or belief that one can cope with one's life circumstances…I hesitate to include a broader range of negative outcomes since they would be determined by one's circumstances (e.g., the amount of control one has in one's life)…sphere or community (with the distinction between the two being important primarily to allow for the option of an isolated existence by choice versus social exclusion)” (ie, Direction D)
Coping with stressors/adapting to change“The ability to navigate and adapt to one's environment seems key…”
“Ability to adapt psychologically to adverse circumstances…a sense of social/emotional wellness or maturity in the face of life's vicissitudes (not necessarily happiness, but dealing with life's ups and downs in a relatively effective and steady way)”
Balance/stability“Well-being, with a particular emphasis on resources for living with lucid thinking and emotional depth and stability” (ie, Direction D)
Meaningful relationships and participation“Sense of being part of a vibrant society, with agency to make change for your and others, and supportive relationships and governance” (ie, Direction E)
“The objective evaluation focuses on one's ability to participate meaningfully in one's life sphere or community (with the distinction between the two being important primarily to allow for the option of an isolated existence by choice versus social exclusion). However, meaningful participation is typically defined by local social norms” (ie, Directions D and E)
“Being able to offer some sort of product to the society (where you can get your essentials to live), to have empathy for another human being and capable of having an intimate and sustainable affectionate relationship” (ie, Direction E)
Dignity“A state of mind that allows one to lead one's life knowing that one's dignity and integrity as a human being is respected by others, that in the journey of life one's diversity of experiences thereof will be embraced” (ie, Direction D)
Enjoying life/satisfaction/pleasure“Mental health is expressed by the ability to enjoy life and love…”
Hope/optimism for Future“Mental Health is living a hopeful, fulfilling, self-determining life…” (ie, Direction C)
Insight/mindfulness/rational thought“Logic and analyzing of scenarios, reflective & reflexive thinking”