Table 1

Baseline characteristics of whole sample

Smokers (n=509)Reducers (n=177)Non-completers (n=1342)*
Age, mean (SD)45.2 (10.6)46.6 (10.9)43.2 (10.9)
Sex, % male (n)41 (229)42 (75)45 (610)
FTND, M (SD)6.0 (2.0)5.9 (2.0)6.2 (2.0)
SF-36 mental health, mean (SD)72.6 (16.7)73.7 (16.8)72.3 (16.5)
Treatment status, % received active (n)46 (232)63 (112)†50 (669)
  • *A small proportion of non-completers were missing some baseline data; baseline FTND scores were available for 1336 non-completers and 1329 non-completers reported baseline SF-36 mental health scores.

  • †p<0.0001 (results from t tests or χ2 tests as appropriate).

  • FTND, Fagerström Test of Nicotine Dependence; SF-36, Short Form Health Survey-36.