Table 2

Tobacco use behaviour (n=600)

Tobacco use behaviourNumber (%) or Median (IQR)
Daily smokers575 (95.8)
Heavy smokers (HSI ≥3)284 (47.3)
Number of years of smoking, median (IQR)35 (24–45)
Have a smoker as friend519 (86.5)
Lives with a smoker236 (39.3)
Position on readiness-to-quit ladder
 Pre-contemplation103 (17.2)
 Contemplation40 (6.7)
 Preparation338 (56.3)
 Action*117 (19.5)
Current motivation to give up smoking, Median (IQR)9 (6.5–10)
Current confidence in giving up smoking, Median (IQR)§5 (3–8)
  • *Participants began their quit period once admitted to hospital.

  • Have missing values two participants.

  • Have missing values five participants.

  • §Have missing values six participants.

  • HSI, Heaviness of Smoking Index.