Table 1

Anthropometric and lifestyle data compared between women with or without bound feet

VariableBound feet (N=172)Controls (N=82)Difference (%)p Value
 Age (years)74.6±3.574.5±4.00.20%0.756
 Weight (kg)46.1±7.448.7±8.9−5.3%0.017*
 BMI (kg/m2)20.8±3.221.9±3.5−5.1%0.013*
 Length of right foot (cm)222.7±18.4254.0±7.3−12.3%0.000**
 Width of right foot (cm)74.3±8.499.8±7.0−25.6%0.000**
 Number of children7.02±2.636.21±2.1313.00%0.007**
 Number of subjects with previous fractures13/172 (7.56)6/82 (7.30)0.26%‡0.846
 Osteoporosis (QUS-SI)†
165/172 (95.93)52/82 (63.42)32.51%§0.000**
  • Values are mean±SD or n/N (%).

  • *p<0.05, **p<0.01 (unpaired t test).

  • †T-score set at −1.8 SD and χ2 test used for statistical analysis. ‡OR=1.036 (p>0.05). §OR=13.60 (p<0.01).

  • BMI, body mass index; QUS, quantitative ultrasound; SI, Stiffness Index; YSM, years since menopause.