Table 1

Strategies or interventions recommended for cardiovascular disease (CVD) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) in the national policy documents

NoCountriesHealth policy documents (source)Recommended interventions/strategies
1.AfghanistanNational Strategy for Prevention and Control of Non-communicable diseases (NCDs), 2013–2018;13 endorsed by Ministry of Public Health Afghanistan, General Directorate of Preventive Medicine NCD Prevention and Control Department(1) Introduce interventions targeted to reduce tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity, and harmful use of alcohol; (2) strengthen health system and integrate NCD programme in PHC; (3) develop and implement effective NCD advocacy plan; (4) health promotion, media campaigns, workplace-based programmes, and promote population-based interventions; (5) build capacity of healthcare workers; (6) establish national diabetes registry and surveillance of NCD risk factors (STEPS survey); (7) establish multisectoral partnerships
2.BhutanNational Policy and Strategic Frame-Work on Prevention and Control of NCDs14 (Endorsed by the Royal Government of Bhutan 2009)(1) Introduce alcohol and tobacco taxes; (2) introduce interventions to improve physical activity in schools and community; (3) promote healthy lifestyle initiatives; (4) strengthen health services to provide timely treatment and continuum of care
3.BangladeshStrategic Plan for Surveillance and Prevention of NCDs in Bangladesh, 2007–201015 (endorsed by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare)(1) Health facility strengthening; (2) capacity building; (3) availability of essential drugs; (4) screening of high-risk individuals; (5) development of surveillance system
4.IndiaNational Programme for Prevention and Control of Cancer, Diabetes, CVDs and Stroke (NPCDCS), 201016(1) Prevention through behaviour change: mass media, community education, and interpersonal communication to be used for increased intake of healthy food, increased physical activity, avoidance of tobacco and alcohol, and stress management; (2) opportunistic screening of those individuals at high risk of developing T2DM and CVD; (3) range of treatment services: health promotion, psychosocial counselling, management (out- and in-patient), day care services, home-based care and palliative care, and referral to specialised services
5.MaldivesNational Strategic Plan for Prevention and Control of NCDs 2008–201017(1) Encourage healthy lifestyles in school and community setting—for example, tobacco-free islands; (2) awareness campaigns and health education session; (3) develop and disseminate treatment guidelines for major NCDs; (4) conduct screening in high-risk groups; (5) integrate and strengthen NCD management in PHC; (6) build capacity for care providers
6.NepalIntegrated NCD Prevention and Control Policy of Nepal, 2007–0818(1) Reduce tobacco use and alcohol consumption: ‘sin tax’; (2) establish NCD surveillance system; (3) build capacity for healthcare workers; (4) prioritise low-cost, cost-effective socio-culturally acceptable measures in planning and implementation of NCD prevention and control
7.PakistanNational Action Plan for NCDs Pakistan, 200419CVD and T2DM action plan: (1) integrate surveillance of CVD risk factors with population-based NCD surveillance system; (2) promote physical activity and healthy diet; (3) agricultural and fiscal policies to increase access to healthy food; (4) population-level screening of risk factors; (5) ensure availability of aspirin, β-blockers, thiazides, ACE inhibitors, statins and penicillin at all levels of healthcare; (6) ensure availability of antidiabetic agents (insulin, sulfonylureas, metformin) at all levels of healthcare; (7) build capacity of health systems in support of CVD prevention and control
8.Sri LankaNational Policy and Strategic Framework for Prevention and Control of Chronic NCDs, 200920(1) Screening at community level with focus on high-risk CVD; (2) provision of optimal care and appropriate curative, preventive, rehabilitative and palliative services at all levels; (3) promotion of healthy lifestyle (diet and exercise); (4) strengthening of health information system including disease and risk factor surveillance; (5) addressing tobacco and alcohol use—Implementation of National Authority Act on Tobacco and Alcohol
  • PHC, primary health centre.