Table 5

Descriptive statistics of the three outcome measures

Mean symptom severity between days 2 and 4 postrandomisation*1.6 (0.8)1.7 (0.8)
Development of new or worsening symptoms in the 4 weeks postrandomisation162/1021 (15.9)194/1006 (19.3)
Reported non-respiratory symptoms/side effects in the 4 weeks postrandomisation249/867 (28.7)206/860 (24.0)
  • Data are n/N (%) or mean (SD).

  • *Each symptom was scored from 0–6 (0=no problem, 1=very little problem, 2=slight problem, 3=moderately bad, 4=bad, 5=very bad, 6=as bad as it could be).