Table 1

Summary of patients with PM/DM

 Clinical findingsVisually identified FDG uptakes in muscles*FDG uptakes in other organsMuscle biopsy findings†MRI findings‡
AgeSexClinical diagnosisDuration§CK¶Therapy at PET**SCMPCSUPTPLBTLungLymph nodesMalignancyOthersSitesCell infNec/regSitesHigh signalsConsistency with vFDG
PM/DM without other collagen diseases
124MDM130005d P80 BB23Thigh(+)P (+)
282MDM143075d P50      Porta hepatisBB01Thigh(+)(−)
352FDM4436(−)       BB33Thigh(+)P (+)
420FDM3312(−)          BB01Thigh(+)(−)
537FDM ILD17837d P20          BB11Thigh(+)(−)
633FDM351(−)         Stomach, uterusBB11Not done
733FDM2274(−)         Marrow, spleenBB00Not done
873FDM1182(−)   StomachBB33Not done
966MDM4239(−)  −)
1065MDM2377(−)         Lung Deltoid12Brachium(+)(−)
1153MDM42488(−)     BB22Thigh(+)(−)
1225FPM4926(−)            BB20Thigh(+)(−)
1376FPM ILD21343(−)        BB13Thigh(+)(−)
1454MPM ILD1463472d P60      Gastro11Thigh(+)P (+)
1556FPM ILD8362(−)         JointsQF21Thigh(+)(−)
1655FPM121019(−)      SpleenBB11Not done
1769FPM60758(−)         MyocardiumDeltoid12Not done
1879FPM79627(−)       Lung BB02Thigh(+)(−)
1952MPM6033729d P60            Deltoid21Thigh(+)(−)
2040FPM218427d P60            BB12Not done
2150FPM367182(−)            BB02Brachium(−)N (+)
2273MPM ILD1137713d P55         DiaphragmBB21Not done
PM/DM with other collagen diseases
2327FMCTD72008d P50         Salivary glandBB21Thigh(−)N (+)
2472FPM, SSC181442(−)         PudendaBB21Brachium(+)(−)
2573FPM, SSC14126(−)          Thyroid gland.BB00Thigh(−)N (+)
2670FPM RA Sjs24761(−)          BB22Thigh(+)(−)
2772FPM CREST36386(−)        JointsQF21Thigh(+)(−)
2842MMCTD35585(−)         BB33Thigh(+)(−)
2965FPM Sjs21764(−)     JointsBB22Thigh(−)N (+)
3070FPM RA31050(−)          QF21Not done
3163MPM SSC71396(−)          BB12Brachium(−)N (+)
3252FPM SSC11142(−)         BB01Brachium(+)(−)
3375FMCTD72123(−)     PeritoneumBB22Brachium(+)P (+)
  • *The regions of positive vFDG at least in either side of the region are indicated by filled squares. vFDG-positivity criterion is described in Material and methods.

  • †The criteria for grading of pathological findings is described in Material and methods.

  • ‡P (+), both PET and MRI showed positive findings; N (+), both PET and MRI were negative; (−), either PET or MRI showed positive findings.

  • §Duration of illness (months).

  • ¶Serum creatine kinase (CK) levels (IU/L).

  • **Duration (days) and daily dose (mg) of prednisolone (P) at the time of the PET study.

  • B, buttock; BB, biceps brachii; cell inf, mononuclear cell infiltration; CREST, CREST syndrome; DM, dermatomyositis; Gastro, gastrocnemius; ILD, interstitial lung disease; MCTD, mixed connective tissue disease; nec/reg, muscle fibre necrosis and regeneration; PC, paraspinal muscles at cervical levels; PET, positron emission tomography; PL, paraspinal muscles at lumbar levels; PM, polymyositis; PT, paraspinal muscles at thoracic levels; QF, quadriceps femoris; RA, rheumatoid arthritis; S, shoulders; SCM, sternoclidomastoid muscles; Sjs, Sjögren syndrome; SSC, systemic sclerosis; T, thighs.