Table 4

Multivariate analysis of postextraction bleeding events by potential risk factors

95% CI
ORLowerUpperp Value
Age (years)
 <651 (Ref)
 Foretooth or premolar1 (Ref)
Cause for extraction
 Caries, apical periodontitis, or other1 (Ref)
 Periodontitis or wisdom tooth pericoronitis2.3010.7427.1420.149
Status of antiplatelet therapy
 No1 (Ref)
Use of inferior alveolar nerve block
 No1 (Ref)
Comorbidity possibly influencing haemostasis
 No1 (Ref)
History of acute inflammation at extraction site
 No1 (Ref)
Abnormal granulation tissue in extraction socket
 None-to-little1 (Ref)
  • *p≤0.05 was considered significant.

  • PT-INR, prothrombin time–international normalised ratio.