Table 5

Alcohol-attributable harmful events included in the model

TypeEventEffectModelled as
Continuous-drinking events
 Alcohol-attributable diseases associated with continuous alcohol consumption over timeLower respiratory infectionsTemporaryTunnel state*
Haemorrhagic strokeSeriousPostevent state†
Cirrhosis of the liverSeriousPostevent state
PancreatitisSeriousPostevent state
Immediate-drinking events
 Alcohol-attributable diseases or injuries incurred from a single episode of heavy alcohol consumptionIschaemic heart diseaseSeriousPostevent state
Ischaemic strokeSeriousPostevent state
Transport injuriesTemporaryTunnel state
Injuries other than from transportTemporaryTunnel state
  • *1 month.

  • †Serious event state; patients could also transition to the death absorbing state from a temporary event, serious event or from general mortality.