Table 1

Clinical characteristics of patients with AP and healthy individuals

MAP (n=80)SAP (n=26)Healthy individuals (n=204)p Value
Age (years)48.2±14.7*60.5±14.5†48.0±11.7<0.001‡
Gender (M/F)41/3911/15102/1020.722§
AP hospital stay (days)14 (6–75)14.5 (2–52)
AP mortality08
BUN (mmol/L)4.8 (2–17.5)4.9 (2.6–15.2)5.6 (2.7–8.6)0.208¶
Cr (μmol/L)52 (35–193)†59 (37–198)65 (33–121)<0.001¶
TB (μmol/L)18 (6–90)†17 (9–92)†13 (6–45)<0.001¶
ALT (U/L)35 (7–235)†33 (15–591)†18.5 (8–85)<0.001¶
AST(U/L)28.5 (12–129)†31 (15–1989)†21 (13–45)<0.001¶
Ca (mmol/L)2.11±0.24*†2.03±0.19†2.31±0.08<0.001‡
Amy (U/L)934 (28–3734)*†506 (28–2277) †45 (22–110)<0.001¶
TP (g/L)59.2±9.05†58.5±8.00†74.1±3.5<0.001‡
Alb (g/L)36.2±7.15*†34.0±4.64†48.3±2.3<0.001‡
LDH (U/L)306.8±148.3*†400.2±207.9†185.0±32.2<0.001‡
Glu (mmol/L)7.30±3.04†6.83±1.20†5.21±0.68<0.001‡
WCC (×109/L)12.2 (2.7–33.9)†8.9 (4.6–32.0)†6.3 (4.1–9.5)<0.001¶
RBC (×1012/L)4.85±0.67*†4.15±1.07†4.59±0.46<0.001‡
Hgb (g/L)147±20*123±29†144±15<0.001‡
PLT (×109/L)210±76181±119†216±640.069‡
RDW (%)12.6±0.59*†14.4±1.06†13.42±0.85<0.001‡
MCV (fL)88.60±4.32†89.6±4.74†92.82±5.05<0.001‡
MPV (fL)11.05±1.27*†11.58±1.20†8.82±1.12<0.001‡
  • *p<0.05, MAP compared with SAP.

  • †p<0.05, patients with MAP and SAP compared with healthy individuals.

  • ‡Analysis of variance.

  • §χ2 Test.

  • ¶Kruskal-Wallis H test.

  • Alb, albumin; ALT, alanine aminotransferase; Amy, elevated serum amylase; AP, acute pancreatitis; AST, aspartate aminotransferase; BUN, blood urea nitrogen; Ca, calcium; Cr, creatinine; F, female; Glu, glucose; Hgb, haemoglobin; LDH, lactate dehydrogenase; M, male; MAP, mild acute pancreatitis; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; MPV, mean platelet volume; PLT, platelet; RBC, red blood cell; RDW, red cell distribution width; SAP, severe acute pancreatitis; TB, total bilirubin; TP, total protein; WCC, white cell count.