Table 1

Baseline demographics and antenatal/delivery data of the birth cohort

Demographic details (n=561)ANC/delivery details (n=497)
ReligionMedian (IQR) days gestation period*278 (269–286)
 Christian244.28 Primiparous19639.44
Type of family >214729.56
 Extended11219.96History of abortion6713.48
 Nuclear33860.25History of stillbirth183.62
Number of household membersMedian (IQR) ANC visit†7 (6–9)
 >526647.42Maternal haemoglobin‡
 <10 g%6629.60
Ownership of house 10–12 g%12857.40
 Own house35463.10 >12 g%2913
Maternal hypertension (>120/80)§4417.53
Primary mode of cooking
 Firewood22540.11Vaccination for TT¶24496.06
 Gas stove/other21237.79Mode of delivery
Socioeconomic status Instrumental204.02
 Low33860 Cesarean9018.11
 High264.63Place of birth
Maternal factors of study children (n=497) Home102
Mean (SD) maternal age in years24 (3.6)Birth weight in kg**
Maternal education ≥2.540682.86
 Primary/middle16733.60BMI of mother††
 High/higher secondary12926 ≤18.5 (underweight)6015.46
 College173.40 18.6– 24.99 (normal)18447.42
 25–29.99 (overweight)10727.58
Mean (SD) height of mother (cm)‡‡153.03 (6.4) ≥30 (Obese)379.54
Consanguineous marriage§§4720.60Median (IQR) duration of exclusive breast feeding in months4.09 (2.36–5.24)
  • *n=470.

  • †n=242.

  • ‡n=223.

  • §n=251.

  • ¶n=254.

  • **n=490.

  • ††n=388.‡‡n=388.

  • §§n=228.

  • ANC, antenatal care; BMI, body mass index; TT, tetanus toxoid.