Table 2

Example of QOF data from 2012/2013, showing how it can be used to calculate smoking prevalence for individual practices

Example practices
QOF descriptionInterpretation for purposes of calculating smoking prevalenceABCDE
SM07 points1110.510.89.611
SM07 numeratorPatients* whose notes contain a record of smoking status34501319627631 9486504
SM07 denominatorPatients who are eligible to be included in this indicator†37211497703337 6547212
SM07 UA92.70%88.10%89.20%84.80%90.20%
SM08 points129.9128.912
SM08 numeratorPatients who are recorded as current smokers and have a record of an offer of support, etc1024325157884392165
SM08 denominatorPatients who are recorded as current smokers1129401158610 9312373
SM08 UA90.70%81.00%99.50%77.20%91.20%
Calculation to determine percentage who are smokers SM08 den/SM07 den1129/3721401/14971586/703310 931/37 6542373/7212
Estimate of smoking prevalence30.30%26.80%22.60%29.00%32.90%
  • *Patients aged over 15.

  • †For example, patients who are newly registered with the practices (less than 3 months) are excluded from the indicator.

  • QOF, Quality and Outcomes Framework.