Table 2

Reflective construct correlations and square root of average variances extracted (AVEs) (Ill sample numbers off parentheses and Well sample numbers in parentheses)

Computer anxietyBehavioural intentionInformation seekingPerceived usefulnessPersonal IT innovativeness
Computer anxiety0.89 (0.91)
Behavioural intention−0.51 (−0.38)0.87 (0.93)
Information seeking−0.13 (−0.13)0.27 (0.24)0.86 (0.88)
Perceived usefulness−0.47 (−0.31)0.76 (0.75)0.33 (0.34)0.92 (0.92)
Personal IT innovativeness−0.33 (−0.17)0.46 (0.38)0.07 (0.03)0.39 (0.42)0.92 (0.94)
  • Entries in bold show the square root of average variances extracted (AVEs).