Sex | Male | 540 (47.2) |
| Female | 604 (52.7) |
Age | 18–24 | 170 (14.9) |
| 25–34 | 175 (15.3) |
| 35–44 | 181 (15.8) |
| 45–54 | 159 (13.9) |
| 55–59 | 72 (6.3) |
| 60–64 | 94 (8.2) |
| 65< | 293 (25.6) |
Ethnicity | White | 985 (86.1) |
| BME | 151 (13.2) |
| Refused to answer | 8 (0.7) |
| White British | 914 (79.9) |
| White Irish | 11 (1.0) |
| White Gypsy/Traveller | – |
| White Other | 60 (5.2) |
| Mixed W/B Caribbean | 3 (0.3) |
| Mixed W/B African | 1 (<0.1) |
| Mixed White and Asian | 3 (0.3) |
| Mixed Other | 2 (0.2) |
| Asian Indian | 19 (1.7) |
| Asian Pakistani | 47 (4.1) |
| Asian Bangladeshi | 12 (1.1) |
| Asian Chinese | 7 (0.6) |
| Asian Other | 13 (1.1) |
| Black African | 26 (2.3) |
| Black Caribbean | 7 (0.6) |
| Black Other | 2 (0.2) |
| Arab | 4 (0.4) |
| Other | 5 (0.4) |
| Refused | 8 (0.7) |
Smoking status | Never smoked | 573 (50.1) |
| Current smoker, tried to stop smoking | 175 (15.3) |
| Current smoker, not tried to stop smoking | 63 (5.5) |
| Ex-smoker | 281 (24.6) |
| Declined to answer | 52 (4.6) |
Any children | Yes | 742 (64.9) |
| No | 402 (35.1) |
Breast feeding | Any children breast fed | 512 (47.3) |
| No children breast fed | 632 (52.5) |
Education | GCSE/O-level/CSE/NVQ | 342 (29.9) |
| A-level or equivalent | 193 (16.9) |
| Degree/Masters/PhD | 295 (25.9) |
| No formal qualifications | 197 (17.2) |
| Other/Don't know/ Still studying | 117 (10.2) |
Social grade | A | 36 (3.2) |
| B | 203 (17.7) |
| C1 | 370 (32.3) |
| C2 | 236 (20.6) |
| D | 162 (14.2) |
| E | 137 (12.0) |
Survey region | North | 77 (6.7) |
| North West | 142 (12.4) |
| Yorks & Humberside | 104 (9.1) |
| West Midlands | 109 (6.5) |
| East Midlands | 66 (5.8) |
| East Anglia | 41 (3.6) |
| South West | 81 (7.1) |
| South East | 200 (17.5) |
| Greater London | 149 (13) |
| Wales | 66 (5.8) |
| Scotland | 109 (9.3) |