Table 1

A hypothetical example of calculating the WPP-adjusted incidence rate of road traffic disabilities among women between 20 and 49 years of age in 1981

AGPiEmbedded ImageEmbedded ImageAGRSPEmbedded ImageEmbedded ImageEmbedded ImageEmbedded ImageEmbedded Image
20–2410.900.950.010.9110.0029.24650 0004.50
25–2920.850.880.010.8612.0048.37700 0006.91
30–3430.800.850.010.8115.0085.24750 00011.37
35–3940.750.800.010.7617.00139.74800 00017.47
40–4450.700.750.010.7118.00220.49850 00025.94
45–4960.650.700.010.6620.00386.53900 00042.95
TotalEmbedded ImageEmbedded ImageEmbedded Image
  • Notes: column heading specification:

  • (1) AGP: the WPP-defined age groups.

  • (2) i: the ith AGP.

  • (3)Embedded Image: age-specific survival probability in 1980 derived from the WPP life table.

  • (4)Embedded Image: age-specific survival probability in 1985 derived from the WPP life table.

  • (5) AGRSP: annual average growth rate of age-specific survival probability from 1980 to 1985, that is, Embedded Image.

  • (6)Embedded Image: age-specific survival probability in 1981, that is, Embedded Image.

  • (7)Embedded Image: number of survived persons in the ith age group with RTDs occurred in year of 1981 and survived for 25 years.

  • (8)Embedded Image: estimated incident number of persons in the ith age group with RTDs occurred in year of 1981 after adjusted for early life loss during 1981–2006. For example, for the first age group of 20–24, we have Embedded Image.

  • Embedded Image: total annual number of people with RTDs.

  • (9)Embedded Image: weighted population in each age group in 1981.

  • Embedded Image: weighted total number of population in 1981.

  • (10)Embedded Image: the estimated incidence rate of RTDs (per 100 000) in the ith age group in 1981, that is,

  • Embedded Image.

  • In the last row, we calculate the estimated incidence rate of RTDs (per 100 000) in 1981 with

  • Embedded Image.

  • RTD, road traffic disability; WPP, World Population Prospects.