Table 2

Items, answer categories and outcome variables of the ambulatory monitoring questionnaire

Item (original German version)Answer categoryOutcome variable
On a scale from 0—not present to 100—extremely intense, at this time, how intense is your emotional tension? (Auf einer Skala von 0 [nicht vorhanden] bis 100 [extrem stark], wie stark ist jetzt gerade deine emotionale Anspannung?)0–100, answered by filling in the number in a text fieldAversive tension
On a scale from 0—not at all to 9—very good, how well can you name the emotion that you are feeling right now? (Auf einer Skala von 0 [gar nicht] bis 9 [sehr gut], wie gut kannst Du die Emotion benennen, die Du gerade spürst?)0–9, answered by single choice in a drop down selection menuAbility to label emotions
Which emotion(s) are you experiencing right now? (Welche Emotion[en] verspürst du gerade?)Open text fieldEmotions
What have you done immediately before responding to the questions? (Was hast du kurz vor dem Beantworten der Fragen gemacht?)Open text fieldOccupation