Table 1

Most popular Google searches for terms relating hospital quality, 1 August 2012 to 31 July 2013

Exact Google search termMonthly search volumeExact Google search termMonthly search volume
hospital compare12 100best hospitals1900
doctor reviews9900top hospitals in the us1600
best medical schools9900patient satisfaction1600
doctor ratings6600hospital rankings1600
core measures2900patient satisfaction survey1300
rate doctors2400best med schools1300
patient safety2400best cancer hospitals1300
hospital ratings2400physician ratings1000
customer satisfaction survey2400nursing home ratings1000
best hospitals in the us2400best hospitals in the world1000
us news best hospitals1900
  • Monthly search volume averaged over 12 months preceding 31 July 2013. Twenty-one most popular national Google searches related to “top hospital”, “best hospital” and “hospital quality” seed terms as determined by Google Adwords Keyword planner, excluding terms with fewer than 1000 monthly searches or terms not specifically or exclusively related to quality in the authors’ determination. See supplementary material for list of 75 search words before exclusions.