Table 1

Distribution of baseline characteristics of 13 864 patients with CKD in Taiwan

CharacteristicsSurvivors (n, %)Deceased (n, %)p Value
 Female5011 (38.7)326 (35.1)0.028
 Male7924 (61.3)603 (64.9)
Age group (years)
 <403435 (26.6)28 (3.0)<0.001
 40–655243 (40.5)197 (21.2)
 >654257 (32.9)704 (75.8)
 No6969 (53.9)225 (24.2)<0.001
 Yes5966 (46.1)704 (75.8)
Diabetes mellitus
 No9241 (71.4)492 (53.0)<0.001
 Yes3694 (28.6)437 (47.0)
Cardiovascular disease*
 No10 114 (78.2)581 (62.5)<0.001
 Yes2821 (21.8)348 (37.5)
Charlson comorbidity index
 03263 (25.2)108 (11.6)<0.001
 12798 (21.6)143 (15.0)
 ≥26874 (53.1)678 (73.3)
Any hospitalisation before CKD†
 No11 939 (92.3)719 (77.4)<0.001
 Yes996 (7.7)210 (22.6)
Receipt of NSAID >104 pills/year
 No12 764 (98.7)904 (97.3)<0.001
 Yes171 (1.3)25 (2.7)
Receipt of analgesics >104 pills/year
 No12 588 (97.3)883 (95.0)<0.001
 Yes347 (2.7)46 (5.0)
Receipt of erythropoietin
 No12 398 (95.9)832 (89.6)<0.001
 Yes537 (4.1)97 (10.4)
Use of non-AA prescribed CHMs†
 Non-use7343 (56.8)643 (69.2)<0.001
 Before CKD only2336 (18.1)152 (16.4)
 After CKD only1943 (15.0)83 (8.9)
 Both before and after CKD1313 (10.1)51 (5.5)
  • *Cardiovascular diseases include congenital heart disease.

  • †CKD and CHMs denote (the diagnosis of) chronic kidney disease and Chinese herbal medicines respectively; Cochran-Armitage trend test p value <0.001.

  • AA, aristolochic acid; CHMs, Chinese herbal medicines; CKD, chronic kidney disease; NSAID, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug.