Table 2

Difference in observed glitches between observer specialties

Glitch categoryTotal observed n (% of total)Observed by both HFs and clinical n (% of category)HFs observed n (% of category)Clinical observed n (% of category)Difference % (95% CI)p Value
Absence292 (5.1)123 (42.1)202 (69.2)213 (72.9)3.8 (−3.9 to 11.5)0.362
Communication334 (5.8)128 (38.3)218 (65.3)244 (73.1)7.8 (0.5 to 15.1)0.036
Distractions1342 (23.4)585 (43.6)887 (66.1)1039 (77.4)11.3 (7.9 to 14.8)<0.001
Environment15 (0.3)5 (33.3)8 (53.3)12 (80.0)26.7 (−12.4 to 65.7)0.245
Equipment design595 (10.4)224 (37.6)379 (63.7)440 (73.9)10.3 (4.9 to 15.7)<0.001
Equipment maintenance278 (4.8)146 (52.5)206 (74.1)218 (78.4)4.3 (−3.1 to 11.7)0.273
Health and safety423 (7.4)171 (40.4)243 (57.4)350 (82.7)25.3 (19.1 to 31.5)<0.001
Patient related120 (2.1)36 (30.0)49 (40.8)107 (89.2)48.3 (37.1 to 59.6)<0.001
Planning and preparation789 (13.7)304 (38.5)495 (62.7)596 (75.5)12.8 (8.2 to 17.4)<0.001
Process deviation614 (10.7)227 (37.0)375 (61.1)465 (75.7)14.7 (9.4 to 20.09)<0.001
Slips508 (8.8)256 (50.4)386 (76.0)377 (74.2)−1.8 (−7.3 to 3.7)0.562
Training154 (2.7)36 (23.4)70 (45.5)120 (77.9)32.5 (21.6 to 43.4)<0.001
Workspace278 (4.8)67 (24.1)165 (59.4)180 (64.7)5.4 (−3.0 to 13.8)0.221
Overall57422308 (40.2)3683 (64.1)4361 (75.9)11.8 (10.1 to 13.5)<0.001
  • HFs, human factors.