Table 2

Known groups validity: the least-squares mean baseline SOBDA weekly score by mMRC and CGI-S response categories at visit 2

Response categoriesPatient-completed mMRC (n), LS mean SOBDA score (SE)Clinician-completed mMRC (n), LS mean SOBDA score (SE)CGI-S (n), LS mean SOBDA score (SE)
012, 1.92 (0.19)
0–112, 1.78 (0.20)
1103, 1.94 (0.07)19, 1.87 (0.16)
2138, 2.20 (0.06)200, 2.08 (0.05)236, 2.11 (0.05)
365, 2.26 (0.08)117, 2.28 (0.06)78, 2.33 (0.08)
422, 2.73 (0.14)10, 2.73 (0.22)5, 2.72 (0.31)
  • Owing to the small number of 0 and 1 responses in the clinician-completed mMRC, these two categories were combined.

  • CGI-S, Clinician Global Impression of Dyspnoea Severity; LS, least squares; mMRC, modified Medical Research Council; SOBDA, Shortness of Breath with Daily Activities.