▸ Histological proven soft tissue sarcoma except the following entities: angiosarcoma, gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST), Ewing-sarcoma, dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma -
▸ The tumour appears to be resectable or resectability is expected after prior treatment -
▸ Age of 18 years or older -
▸ Eastern cooperative oncology group (ECOG) performance status 0 or 1 -
▸ Normal organ function (kidney, liver, bone marrow) -
▸ Written informed consent -
▸ Sufficient contraception (Pearl-Index <1)
▸ Intake of inductors or inhibitors of CYP3A4 -
▸ Prior therapy with receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitors or conventional chemotherapy until 4 weeks before study inclusion -
▸ History of myocardial infarction, cardiac insuffiency (NYHA grade III or IV), apoplex, thrombosis or embolism -
▸ Major surgery 4 weeks before study inclusion -
▸ Uncontrolled medical disease such as art. hypertension or diabetes mellitus -
▸ Antihypertensive medication with more than 2 drugs -
▸ Therapeutical anticoagulation with coumadin or similar medication (this does not include ASS and low-dose heparins medication) -
▸ Known allergy or intolerance of study medication -
▸ Known hereditary coagulopathy -
▸ History or other malignancies during the last year before study inclusion -
▸ Metastatic disease with the exception of a singular metachronous metastatic lesion -
▸ Pregnancy -
▸ Known allergy to sunitinib