Table 2

Percentage change in standardised risk ratios or a standardised ratio of means in 2004 relative to 1999, by ethnic group and sex (respondents aged 16 and over, except in the case of triglycerides for which the only data were for those aged 35 and over). *A positive number denotes an increase in the age-adjusted risk factor level relative to the general population. An asterisk indicates the 95% CI excluded 0 (NA, not available). A + or − sign denotes a 5% change in the risk factor for the worse or better, respectively.

IrishChineseIndianPakistaniBangladeshiBlack Caribbean
 Physical activity†−8%−19%13%+9%+−5%9%+
 Total cholesterol0%1%−2%4%1%−1%
 HDL cholesterol1%4%7%*+2%−1%11%*+
 Obesity (% with BMI>30)3%−32%−9%3%−31%1%
 Systolic BP1%−1%−3%*−1%0%2%
 Diastolic BP−2%0%−1%2%−1%2%
 Number of risk factors where change in inequality was for
  No change555554
Women (%)
 Physical activity6+20−2127*+9+3
 Total cholesterol−211143
 HDL cholesterol5+−55*+5+5+6*+
 Obesity (% with BMI>30)−1560+−13−841+−11
 Systolic BP0−1−1−3*20
 Diastolic BP0−3*0110
 Number of risk factors where change in inequality was for
  No change433234
  • BMI, body mass index; BP, blood pressure; HDL, high-density lipoprotein; WHR, waist to hip ratio.

  • †Physical activity: meets physical activity recommendations of at least moderate activity for at least 30 min on at least 5 days/week.