Table 3

Current practice for parenteral nutrition in NICU patients by country

Nutrientn (%)n (%)n (%)n (%)n (%)
Amino acids
 Initiation (p=0.005)
  D0101 (63)32 (59)21 (54)41 (84)7 (37)
  D151 (32)19 (35)15 (39)8 (16)9 (47)
  D2 or later9 (6)3 (6)3 (8)0 (0)3 (16)
 Initial dose (p=0.001), g/kg/day
  0.5 44 (27)20 (37)11 (28)5 (10)8 (42)
  1.053 (33)14 (26)9 (23)24 (49)6 (32)
  1.534 (21)5 (9)11 (28)15 (31)3 (16)
  2 or higher27 (17)15 (28)5 (13)5 (10)2 (11)
  Do not know3 (2)0 (0)3 (8)0 (0)0 (0)
 Target dose (p<0.001), g/kg/day
  1 or 211 (7)6 (11)3 (8)0 (0)2 (11)
  3 or 4146 (91)48 (89)34 (87)49 (100.0)15 (79)
  5 or higher/do not know4 (3)0 (0)2 (5)0 (0)2 (11)
 Initial dose (p<0.001), g/kg/day
  673 (45)27 (50)12 (31)19 (39)15 (79)
  741 (26)18 (33)3 (8)18 (37)2 (11)
  828 (17)6 (11)9 (23)12 (25)1 (5)
  9 or higher17 (11)3 (6)13 (33)0 (0)1 (5)
  Do not know2 (1)0 (0)2 (5)0 (0)0 (0)
 Target dose (p<0.001), g/kg/day
  1568 (42)22 (41)21 (54)8 (16)17 (90)
  1638 (24)14 (26)5 (13)18 (37)1 (5)
  1712 (8)5 (9)2 (5)5 (10)0 (0)
  18 or higher32 (20)10 (19)3 (8)18 (37)1 (5)
  Do not know11 (7)3 (6)8 (21)0 (0)0 (0)
 Initiation (p=0.160)
  D032 (20)12 (22)12 (31)3 (6)5 (26)
  D177 (48)24 (44)17 (44)28 (57)8 (42)
  D236 (22)11 (20)9 (23)11 (22)5 (26)
  D3 or later16 (10)7 (13)1 (3)7 (14)1 (5)
  Do not know0 (0)0 (0)0 (0)0 (0)0 (0)
 Initial dose (p<0.001), g/kg/day
  0.598 (61)34 (63)11 (28)36 (74)17 (90)
  1.059 (37)18 (33)27 (70)13 (27)1 (5)
  1.5 or higher3 (2)2 (4)0 (0)0 (0)1 (5)
  Do not know1 (1)0 (0)1 (3)0 (0)0 (0)
 Target dose (p=0.028), g/kg/day
  1 or 234 (21)15 (28)3 (8)9 (18)7 (37)
  3 or 4123 (76)38 (70)33 (85)40 (82)12 (63)
  5 or higher/do not know4 (3)1 (2)3 (8)0 (0)0 (0)
Caloric target (p<0.001), kcal/kg/day
 90 or 10029 (18)3 (6)15 (39)3 (6)8 (42)
 11028 (17)8 (15)6 (15)11 (22)3 (16)
 12065 (40)25 (46)10 (26)26 (53)4 (21)
 130 or more35 (22)18 (33)4 (10)9 (18)4 (21)
 Do not know4 (3)0 (0)4 (10)0 (0)0 (0)
Maximal caloric intake prescribed (p<0.001), kcal/kg/day
 11013 (8)1 (2)7 (18)3 (6)2 (11)
 12036 (22)9 (17)12 (31)9 (18)6 (32)
 13032 (20)10 (19)4 (10)12 (25)6 (32)
 14037 (23)16 (30)2 (5)18 (37)1 (5)
 150 or more34 (21)18 (33)6 (15)6 (12)4 (21)
 Do not know9 (6)0 (0)8 (21)1 (2)0 (0)
  • Percentages do not necessarily sum up to 100% due to rounding.

  • Recommended intakes as defined in the Methods section are highlighted in bold.

  • D0, day 0; D1, day 1; D2, day 2.