Table 1

First acute myocardial infarction directly standardised rates and rate ratios (per year, per 100 000) with 95% CI 1 May 2001 to 30 April 2008 in people ≥30 years, by ethnic group (men)

Ethnic group|menEvents (n)Directly standardised rate*
(n)Rate and 95% CIRate ratio and 95% CI
White Scottish43 4981 212 686512.4507.8 to 517.1100.0
Other white British3147116 076394.9381.4 to 408.377.174.3 to 79.8
White Irish56915 454477.5439.5 to 515.593.285.7 to 100.7
Other white47317 335419.0381.2 to 456.881.874.4 to 89.2
Any mixed background451400658.5476.0 to 841.0128.592.9 to 164.2
Indian893125620.9485.6 to 756.3121.294.7 to 147.6
Pakistani1905354729.5609.2 to 849.9142.4118.9 to 165.9
Other South Asian351714675.8446.5 to 905.1133.282.7 to 183.8
African261746512.4332.1 to 692.7100.064.8 to 135.2
Chinese273004230.9127.5 to 334.345.124.9 to 65.2
Other ethnic group271848496.9243.9 to 749.997.047.6 to 146.4
  • *Age standardised to white Scottish population.