Table 3

Practice characteristics by system, 2010/2011: mean (SD) or percentage

LVVision 3ProdSysOneXPCSSynergyPractice ManagerPremiere
Reported achievement
 Measurement*92.9 (3.6)93.5 (3.3)93.2 (3.2)92.5 (3.7)93.4 (2.3)93.4 (2.9)93.2 (2.2)
 Treatment†90.6 (3.8)90.5 (4.4)90.7 (3.8)89.8 (4.2)90.3 (2.7)90.7 (3.3)89.9 (3.1)
 Outcome‡78.8 (4.6)80.7 (5.2)79.9 (5.1)78.4 (5.4)79.8 (3.9)80.7 (4.8)79.9 (4.3)
Population achievement
 Measurement*90.3 (4.0)90.5 (3.8)89.8 (3.8)89.6 (4.1)90.9 (2.7)90.6 (3.4)90.5 (2.7)
 Treatment†81.2 (4.0)80.9 (4.6)80.6 (3.8)80.8 (4.2)81.1 (3.3)80.8 (3.8)80.5 (3.2)
 Outcome‡73.6 (5.2)74.6 (5.5)73.2 (6.0)72.5 (5.8)75.0 (4.5)74.9 (5.2)74.5 (4.4)
Percentage of points achieved
 Measurement* (of 274)97.6 (5.6)97.3 (6.8)96.9 (6.2)96.6 (7.2)98.8 (3.2)98.0 (5.9)98.6 (3.2)
 Treatment† (of 124)98.4 (4.8)98.0 (6.2)97.4 (6.6)97.3 (7.1)99.1 (2.9)98.5 (5.5)98.9 (2.9)
 Outcome‡ (of 169)97.0 (5.7)97.7 (5.6)97.0 (5.6)96.3 (6.9)98.1 (3.5)98.3 (4.4)98.3 (4.1)
List size6903 (4174)6681 (4286)6587 (4333)5715 (3922)8053 (4287)6654 (3791)7104 (3703)
IMD 2010§25.2 (17.0)25.8 (16.6)28.3 (18.0)31.1 (18.4)23.5 (16.7)25.1 (13.7)21.1 (15.0)
Percentage of female patients49.7 (2.9)49.8 (2.6)49.6 (3.1)49.4 (3.5)50.0 (2.2)50.3 (1.7)50.0 (1.7)
Percentage of patients aged 65 or over15.4 (6.2)15.0 (5.8)15.4 (5.9)14.3 (6.9)16.8 (5.5)19.6 (5.3)16.3 (4.1)
General practitioner (GP) age47.6 (7.5)48.3 (7.9)47.3 (7.8)48.2 (8.5)46.3 (6.4)47.4 (6.2)47.9 (7.3)
Percentage of female GPs43.5 (26.3)39.5 (27.3)38.6 (26.5)38.9 (28.8)45.9 (22.8)37.3 (24.4)42.1 (27.5)
Percentage of UK-qualified GPs70.6 (35.3)62.8 (37.2)63.0 (37.7)60.3 (39.4)77.7 (29.9)84.9 (27.4)73.5 (34.3)
Percentage of GP providers¶74.0 (25.1)73.4 (27.6)73.0 (30.7)72.2 (31.1)72.0 (23.0)78.1 (22.4)79.1 (21.7)
Percentage of urban practices**82.90%88.80%83.90%89.60%85.30%66.70%84.80%
Percentage of GMS practices††59.00%59.00%40.90%54.00%46.60%65.40%64.40%
Strategic Health Authority‡‡
 East Midlands49.30%6.70%27.70%11.90%3.50%0.00%0.20%
 East England35.80%22.40%2.20%26.60%6.00%1.60%2.20%
 South-East Coast50.50%26.00%1.60%16.60%2.50%0.20%1.30%
 West Midlands44.80%27.20%4.40%8.90%6.90%2.40%4.60%
  • *35 Indicators.

  • †16 Indicators.

  • ‡11 Indicators.

  • §Index of multiple deprivation at the Lower Super Output Area level; range 0–85 (more deprived).

  • ¶General practitioners who has had at least 5 years in training as a foundation doctors and specialty registrars.

  • **Area classed as urban if population at the Middle Super Output Area level is 10 000 or more. Non-urban areas cover towns, fringes, villages, hamlets and isolated dwellings.

  • ††General Medical Services (GMS) contract. Personal Medical Services (PMS), Alternative Provider Medical Services (APMS) and Primary Care Trust Medical Services (PCTMS) contracts are classed together.

  • ‡‡Clinical systems distribution within each Strategic Health Authority presented (row percentages).