TableĀ 2

Conceptual model for measuring impact of ICU design on patient care*

ICU zonesStructureProcessOutcome
Patient careSingle rooms
ICU atmosphere
Infection control practices
Visual contact with patients
Antipsychotic use
Equipment usability
ICU acquired infections
Less delirium
Adverse events
Qualitative findings
Clinical supportMedication room
ICU location
Less distraction
Longer response time
Medication errors
MET response time
MET outcomes
Qualitative findings
Unit supportProvider areasProvider area utilisationNurse absenteeism
Provider impressions
Family supportFamily areasFamily area utilisationOverall score FSS-ICU
Family impressions
  • *Table populated by the design elements (structure) to be evaluated by process and outcome measures.

  • FSS-ICU, family satisfaction survey; ICU, intensive care unit; MET, medical emergency team.