Table 4

Standardised correlation coefficients (β) for control sociodemographic variables, personality and occupational stress variables as predictors of State-Trait Anxiety Inventory-Trait scores

PredictorModel 1Model 2Model 3Model 4Model 5
Control variables
 Length of employment (years)
 Marital status0.
Personality variables
 BFQ energy/extraversion−0.13*−0.13*−0.13*−0.13*
 BFQ friendliness/agreeableness−0.13*−0.13*−0.13*−0.13*
 BFQ conscientiousness−0.04−0.04−0.05−0.05
 BFQ emotional stability−0.33***−0.33***−0.32***−0.32***
 BFQ openness−0.09−0.09−0.10−0.10
Occupational stress variables
 DCS Demand0.010.01
 DCS Control−0.03−0.05
 DCS Support−0.19***−0.18***
 ERI Effort0.19***0.19***
 ERI Reward−0.15**−0.15**
 ERI overcommitment0.050.05
 Adjusted R20.010.15***0.18***0.20***0.23***
  • n=289.

  • *p<0.05.

  • **p<0.01.

  • ***p<0.001.

  • Barracked, no=0, yes=1; BFQ, Big Five Questionnaire38 ,39; children, no=0, yes=1; DCS, Demand–Control–Support Questionnaire16 ,40; education, high school or higher=0, lower than high school=1; ERI, Effort–Reward–Imbalance Questionnaire17 ,40; marital status, single or divorced=0, married or cohabiting=1; origin, Northern Italy=0, Southern Italy=1; rank, agent (‘agent’ or ‘first class agent’)=0, other=1.