Table 3

Evidence of association between the four key complications and nursing work environments

StudySampleLocation and data time frameCharacteristics of nursing work environments (independent variable)Patient complication (dependent variable)
Cimiotti22161 hospitals
1 571 068 patients
7076 nurses
USA 2006Lower levels of burnt out (a) nursesLower rates of urinary tract infection
Needleman et al18799 hospitals
6 million+ patients
USA 1997Higher levels of total nurse staffingLower rates of urinary tract infection
Cho et al23232 hospitals
124 204 patients
USA 1997Higher proportions of RNs (b)Lower rates of pneumonia
Kovner et al24187 hospitalsUSA 1990–1996Higher RN hours per patient dayLower rates of pneumonia
Pappas et al252 hospitals
3200 patients
USA 2007Higher RN hours per patient dayLower rates of pneumonia
Kane et al11Systematic review
96 studies
USA 2006Higher proportions of RN per patient dayDecreased OR of hospital-acquired pneumonia
Twigg et al263 hospitals
236 454 patients
150 925 nurses
Australia 2000–2004Refined staffing model (c)Lower rates of pneumonia Lower rates of delirium
Schubert et al278 hospitals
779 patients
1338 nurses
Switzerland 2003–2004Implicit care rationing (d)Predicted higher levels of pressure ulcers
Horn et al2882 RACF
1376 residents
USA 1996–1997Higher RN direct time per resident per dayLower rates of pressure ulcers
Pekkarinen et al2966 RACF
724 nurses
Finland 2002Increased time unit pressure (e)Higher rates of pressure ulcers
Hickey et al3035 RACF
Patient assessment files
Staffing data
USA 1998–1999Lower skill mix (less RNs)Higher rates of pressure ulcers
  • (a) Burnt out: where workers emotionally and cognitively detach from work as a way to cope with demands.

  • (b) RN: registered nurse—a graduate from a University or college nursing programme who has met national licensing conditions.

  • (c) Refined staffing model: which developed categories of nurse staffing based on patient complexity, intervention levels, high dependency beds, emergency/elective patient mix and patient turnover.

  • (d) Implicit care rationing: where nurses withhold or fail to carry out necessary nursing tasks due to inadequate time, staffing level and/or skill mix.

  • (e) Time unit pressure: as a measure of nursing working conditions.

  • RACF, residential aged care facility.