Table 2

Adjusted mean (SE) Parent Stress Index Scale (PSI) scores*,†

p Value
p Value
p Value
PSI competence††
 SA-FHV22.5 (1.0)21.7 (1.0)21.8 (1.0)0.0020.110.31
 Comparison20.0 (1.2)19.6 (1.2)20.2 (1.2)
PSI attachment
 SA-FHV12.4 (0.5)11.6 (0.5)11.5 (0.5)11.4 (0.5)<0.001<0.0010.03
 Comparison10.8 (0.6)9.9 (0.6)10.8 (0.6)10.5 (0.6)
PSI role restriction
 SA-FHV19.7 (0.8)19.0 (0.8)19.4 (0.8)18.6 (0.8)0.01<0.0010.006
 Comparison18.4 (0.9)17.0 (0.9)17.9 (0.9)18.3 (0.9)
  • *Higher values indicate a worse outcome on all variables.

  • †All scores adjusted for infant age, gender and Aboriginal status, maternal age, level of education, number of children, number of parents in household, type of housing and number of home moves in previous 12 months.

  • ‡SA-FHV (n=318), comparison (n=169).

  • §SA-FHV (n=294), comparison (n=163).

  • ¶SA-FHV (n=295), comparison (n=160).

  • **SA-FHV (n=318), comparison (n=169).

  • ††Two items asking about parents’ level of education that comprise part of the PSI Competence subscale were not included in the present study.

  • SA-FHV, South Australian Family Home-Visiting.