Table 5

Excess relative risk estimates and 95% CIs for RDP exposures and γ-ray dose for various causes of death (1950–1999)

RDP exposuresγ-Ray dose
Cause of deathNumber of deathsERR/100 WLM*p Value†ERR/Sv‡p Value†
Solid cancers2250.10 (<−0.18, 0.66)0.540.12 (<−0.35, 0.98)0.66
 Stomach cancer140.43 (<−0.16, 7.48)0.660.81 (<−1.41, 13.07)0.60
 Colon cancer22−0.16 (<−0.16, 3.40)0.741.65 (<−2.16, 23.45)0.40
 Rectal cancer150.21 (<−0.34, 2.31)0.500.19 (<−0.61, 3.90)0.73
 Pancreatic cancer10n.c.−0.29 (<−0.29, 8.11)0.55
 Laryngeal cancer5n.c.n.c.
 Prostate cancer210.58 (<−0.96, 8.07)0.480.72 (<−1.47, 8.99)0.53
 Kidney cancer6−0.16 (<−0.39, 49.51)0.92n.c.
 Bladder cancer10−0.15 (<−0.39, 33.14)0.90−0.29 (<−0.29, 19.55)0.76
 Brain cancer5−0.15 (<−0.34, 1.74)0.90
All haematological cancers17−0.16 (<−0.34, 14.27)0.79−0.29 (<−0.29, 15.31)0.76
 NHL7−0.16 (<−0.34, 10.19)0.80−0.29 (<−0.29, 20.92)0.80
All CVD5140.10 (−0.05, 0.32)0.220.19 (−0.07, 0.55)0.17
 Ischaemic heart disease3460.16 (−0.05, 0.50)0.160.31 (−0.05, 0.88)0.10
 Stroke71−0.10 (<−0.34, 0.38)0.57−0.29 (<−0.29, 0.33)0.26
 Other CVD970.12 (<−0.18, 0.68)0.490.29 (−0.18, 1.27)0.31
All digestive diseases42−0.16 (<−0.34, 0.79)0.49−0.23 (<−0.29, 1.66)0.67
  • *Model adjusted for age at risk, calendar year at risk and duration of employment by stratification. γ-Ray doses were not included in the model.

  • †p Values from the likelihood ratio test comparing nested model with and without the exposure term.

  • ‡Model adjusted for age at risk, calendar year at risk and duration of employment by stratification. RDP exposures were not included in the model.

  • CVD, cardiovascular diseases; ERR/Sv, excess relative risk per 1 sievert; ERR/100 WLM, excess relative risk per 100 WLM; n.c., model did not converge; NHL, non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; RDP, radon decay products; WLM, working level months.