Table 1

(A) States of being perceived as a disease by at least 80% of respondents of all groups, (B) states of being not perceived as a disease by at least 80% of respondents of all groups and (C) states of being perceived as a disease by at least 20% and not as a disease by at least another 20% of respondents of all groups (laypeople, doctors, nurses and parliament members)

(A) Perceived as disease by more than 80% (response options ‘4’ and ‘5’)
Breast cancerSchizophrenia
Prostate cancerHIV/AIDS
Lung cancerAdult-onset diabetes
Juvenile diabetesOsteoporosis
Myocardial infarctionAutism
(B) Not perceived as disease by more than 80% (response options ‘1’ and ‘2’)
(C) At least 20% perceived as disease (response options ‘4’ and ‘5’) and at least another 20% did not perceive as disease (response options ‘1’ and ‘2’)
Premenstrual syndrome, PMSAge-related muscle loss, sarcopenia
Erectile dysfunctionFemale menopause
Gambling addictionMalnutrition
InfertilityEye refractive error, need for eyeglasses
Drug addictionLactose intolerance