Table 4

Breast cancer in women: directly age standardised annual rates per 100 000 population/year by ethnic group, and related rate ratios, and age and country of birth-adjusted risk ratios (Poisson regression), with corresponding 95% CIs

Directly standardised rateAge standardised rate ratio (as %)Age adjusted risk ratioAge and country of birth adjusted risk ratio
Ethnic groupEvents (n)PopulationRate95% CIRate ratio95% CIRisk ratio95% CIRisk ratio95% CI
White Scottish223611643684194.3191.8 to 196.9100.0100.0100.0
Other White British2049151335199.0190.4 to 207.6102.497.8 to 107.0103.197.5 to 108.9103.094.0 to 112.8
White Irish25821354163.2143.2 to to 94.384.778.1 to 91.984.773.6 to 97.5
Other White27729392174.4153.4 to 195.589.878.9 to 100.690.984.2 to 98.290.881.8 to 100.9
Any mixed background252826208.5123.1 to 293.9107.363.3 to 151.3101.468.4 to 150.3101.368.9 to 148.9
Indian294054168.295.6 to 240.786.549.2 to 123.979.353.4 to 117.779.252.4 to 119.9
Pakistani377430120.870.7 to 170.962.236.4 to 88.061.551.7 to 73.161.450.8 to 74.4
Other South Asian131889171.470.6 to to 140.078.459.0 to 104.378.458.1 to 105.8
African origin162132133.857.9 to 209.668.829.8 to 107.987.163.9 to 118.787.056.1 to 135.1
Chinese314681122.471.4 to 173.463.036.7 to 89.273.649.5 to 109.573.649.0 to 110.6
Other ethnic group263141232.3102.8 to 361.9119.552.9 to 186.2103.784.2 to 127.8103.779.7 to 134.9