Table 2

Lung cancer: directly age standardised annual rates per 100 000 population/year by ethnic group and sex, and related rate ratios, and age and country of birth-adjusted risk ratios (Poisson regression), with corresponding 95% CIs

Directly standardised rateAge standardised rate ratio (as %)Age adjusted risk ratioAge and country of birth adjusted risk ratio
Ethnic group*Events (n)PopulationRate95% CIRate ratio95% CIRisk ratio95% CIRisk ratio95% CI
 White Scottish151551212648178.5175.7 to 181.3100.0100.0100.0
 Other White British983116075124.5116.7 to 132.269.765.2 to 74.270.463.4 to 78.284.374.5 to 95.4
 White Irish21115453174.6151.3 to 197.997.884.6 to 110.999.790.9 to 109.3114.899.9 to 131.9
 Other White15117335141.5118.5 to 164.679.366.3 to 92.280.774.2 to 87.794.282.4 to 107.6
 Any mixed background211400311.6184.1 to 439.0174.5103.1 to 245.9172.3100.5 to 295.5184.9114.3 to 299.3
 Pakistani18535380.337.4 to to to 68.757.737.6 to 88.6
 Chinese153004112.653.7 to 171.663.130.1 to 96.168.349.7 to 93.981.555.3 to 120.3
 White Scottish129961408621131.8129.6 to 134.0100.0100.0100.0
 Other White British62612725474.768.8 to 80.556.752.1 to 61.257.352.3 to 62.779.972.0 to 88.7
 White Irish17717924119.2101.7 to 136.790.477.0 to 103.891.775.9 to 110.7120.894.5 to 154.5
 Other White992121081.064.8 to 97.161.449.1 to 73.762.450.1 to 77.683.566.5 to 105.0
 Any mixed background101849115.543.5 to 187.587.633.0 to 142.386.362.7 to 118.897.662.9 to 151.4
 Pakistani8496370.60.0 to 149.653.50.0 to 113.537.721.3 to 66.852.729.5 to 94.2
 Chinese153250127.350.7 to 203.996.638.4 to 154.793.564.6 to 135.3130.795.7 to 178.4
  • *Indian, other South Asian, African origin and other ethnic groups numbers were small and judged to be potentially disclosive.