Elderly patient seen 6 years ago for what appeared to be resolving haemorrhoidal bleed  … 6 months prior [to the most recent visit] described narrow stools like a snake  [At the present visit] bowel frequency and some bleeding with examination of clear external piles no rectal masses on rectal examination. [Also] did some bloods but wasn't anaemicSystem 1 dominance may explain the high threshold for vigilance in this age group
[I ignored] the older the patient the lower the threshold for colorectal cancer that we would have for referringred flag that's there for a reason therefore it would be foolish to sort of dismissNo significant attempt to rule out and normal Hb wrongly used for rule out. Another example of the power of a perceived label in biasing process
External piles with a normal PR[6 years ago] with haemorrhoides seen by a colleague.Salient feature was a normal examination 6 years earlier
2 months after last visitchange in bowel habit with rectal bleeding and as part of investigation had a sigmoidoscopy and biopsy which found a malignant colonic tumourDelay in diagnosis likely to System1 overpowering System 2, raising closure threshold
System 1 single diagnosis based on the label immediately jumps to the diagnosis. Ignored expected natural history, and the presence of a red flag. Diagnosis was delayed until a new critical cue emerged.