Table 1

Place where BCG is primarily administered and systems reported to document BCG vaccination in 127 Primary Care Trusts with infant vaccination policy

 Selective infant vaccinationUniversal infant vaccination
n (%)n (%)
Place of primary BCG administrationN=102*N=13**
 Postnatal ward51 (50)4 (31)
 At home00
 At community clinic24 (23)9 (69)
 At chest clinic17 (17)0
 At hospital paediatric clinic10 (10)0
Systems in use for BCG documentationN=107***N=16
 Antenatal/maternity records43 (40)5 (31)
 Birth notification records15 (14)2 (12)
 Paper log books held by midwives6 (6)1 (6)
 Child health information system100 (93)14 (88)
 School health records27 (25)5 (31)
 GP50 (46)3 (19)
 Red Book103 (96)16 (100)
 Discharge letters37 (35)2 (12)
  • GP, general practitioner.

  • *Nine, **three and ***four missing values for those variables.