Table 2

Characteristics of patients prescribed a newer antidepressant as defined during 6 months prior to first medication use

Low–moderate affinity antidepressants* (n=14 927)High-affinity antidepressants* (n=21 462)p Value
Demographic variables
 Age (years), mean (SD)51.8 (16.4)52.6 (16.4)<0.001
 Female gender9965 (66.8)15 489 (72.2)<0.001
  White11 423 (76.5)16 104 (75.0)
  Black873 (5.8)1196 (5.6)
  Hispanic1183 (7.9)2058 (9.6)
  Asian202 (1.4)270 (1.3)
  Other1246 (8.3)1834 (8.5)
  Private7032 (47.1)9779 (45.6)
  Public6082 (40.7)8784 (40.9)
  Other1813 (12.1)2899 (13.5)
Health system utilisation
 Health facts per patient; median (IQR)224 (95–483)223 (91–477)0.152
 Years in health system; median (IQR)10 (4–15)10 (5–15)
Use of antidepressants
 Refills per patient; median (IQR)2 (1–4)2 (1–5)
 High affinity
  Duloxetine1421 (7.0)
  Escitalopram3254 (16.1)
  Fluoxetine10 648 (52.6)
  Paroxetine6107 (30.2)
  Sertraline10 148 (50.1)
 Moderate affinity
  Citalopram8962 (56.2)
  Fluvoxamine220 (1.4)
  Venlafaxine3869 (24.2)
Low affinity
  Nefazodone473 (3.0)
  Bupropion5792 (36.3)
  Mirtazapine1621 (10.2)
Exposure person-months44 23574 706
Depression severity (n=136)n=67n=69
 QIDS-SR score; mean (SD)10.6 (5.3)10.3 (5.3)0.728
Concomitant medications
 Aspirin4302 (28.8)6095 (28.4)0.721
  • * N (%), except otherwise indicated.

  • Race and ethnicity are collected using a single field in the electronic medical record, so subjects who identify as Hispanic are not further characterised.

  • QIDS-SR, Quick Inventory of Depression Symptomatology-Self-Report.