Table 2

Serological status according to self-reported flu status (proportions and 95% CI)

Self-reported flu statusn% Seropositive*95% CIp Value
Adults (18+ years) (n=413)
 No22121.313.0 to 29.70.802
 Possibly6825.114.2 to 36
 Yes10823.311.9 to 34.7
Children (<18 years)§ (n=318)
 No14945.934.4 to 57.40.723
 Possibly5542.228.6 to 55.9
 Yes8640.124.7 to 55.6
Healthcare workers (n=423)
 No22225.720.1 to 31.90.415
 Possibly8027.518.1 to 38.6
 Yes9433.023.6 to 43.4
  • * Weighted percentage.

  • p Values for adults and children in a community sample from the Rao-Scott χ2 test; p value for healthcare workers is from Pearson's χ2 test.

  • 16 Adults from a community sample responded ‘don't know’ on self-reported influenza status and were excluded from analysis.

  • § 21 Children from a community sample responded ‘don't know’ on self-reported influenza status and were excluded from analysis.

  • 22 Healthcare worker who responded ‘don't know’ and five missing immunological status were excluded from analysis.