Age (years) |
≤24 | 29(8.98) |
≥35 | 57(17.65) |
25–29 | 129(39.94) |
30–34 | 108(33.44) |
Highest education |
Primary school and below | 4(1.24) |
Middle school | 61(18.89) |
High school | 71(21.98) |
Undergraduate | 180(55.73) |
Postgraduate and above | 7(2.17) |
Long-term residence |
City | 158(48.92) |
Urban-rural fringe | 92(28.48) |
Village | 73(22.60) |
Religious belief |
Buddhism | 34(10.53) |
Christianity | 5(0.02) |
Christianity and Buddhism | 1 |
Other (Chaoshan Grandpa) | 1 |
None | 282(0.87) |
Monthly household income (yuan) |
4000–5999 | 56(17.34) |
6000–7999 | 59(18.27) |
8000–10000 | 112(34.67) |
>10 000 | 96(29.72) |
Occupation |
Working | 247(76.47) |
Housewife | 76(23.53) |
Postpartum care provider |
Husband | 72(22.29) |
Elders | 188(58.20) |
Maternity matrons | 63(19.50) |
Place of residence during puerperium |
Home | 291(90.09) |
Maternity hotels | 32(9.91) |
The main source of dietary contraindications during pregnancy |
Suggestion from the elderly | 124(38.39) |
Religious beliefs | 9(2.79) |
Local customs | 41(12.69) |
Personal habits | 149(46.13) |