Table 1

Social-demographic information of participants (n=323)

CharacteristicsN (%)
Age (years)
Highest education
 Primary school and below4(1.24)
 Middle school61(18.89)
 High school71(21.98)
 Postgraduate and above7(2.17)
Long-term residence
 Urban-rural fringe92(28.48)
Religious belief
 Christianity and Buddhism1
 Other (Chaoshan Grandpa)1
Monthly household income (yuan)
 >10 00096(29.72)
Postpartum care provider
 Maternity matrons63(19.50)
Place of residence during puerperium
 Maternity hotels32(9.91)
The main source of dietary contraindications during pregnancy
 Suggestion from the elderly124(38.39)
 Religious beliefs9(2.79)
 Local customs41(12.69)
 Personal habits149(46.13)