Table 2

Multiple regression analysis of factors influencing food consumption types in puerperal women (n=323)

Dependent variableInfluencing factorPartial regression coefficientSEP valueOR95% CI
Vegetables and fruits
PersimmonMonthly household income level: 8000–10 000 Yuan−0.9400.3860.0150.3910.183 to 0.834
Home1.6290.8100.0445.0991.042 to 24.949
Husband1.4810.4320.0014.3951.886 to 10.242
WatermelonMonthly household income level: 8000–10 000 Yuan−0.7760.3100.0120.4600.251 to 0.844
Husband0.8040.3530.0232.2351.119 to 4.463
LonganMonthly household income level: 4000–5999 Yuan0.9110.3960.0222.4871.144 to 5.408
Husband0.9600.3320.0042.6121.362 to 5.010
AmaranthMonthly household income level: 4000–5999 Yuan1.4690.4360.0014.3431.849 to 10.198
Brown sugarVillage1.1830.5620.0353.2641.085 to 9.823
Urban-rural fringe1.6740.5000.0015.3332.001 to 14.218