Table 4

Absolute and incremental lifetime outcomes over a 10-year transmission time horizon

OutcomesTreatment strategy
CostsHospital LOS (days)1 588 7631 606 8291 578 8871 552 6811 546 4241 539 156
Hospitalisation costs (¥) (US$)*3 898 198 802
559 781 348*
3 934 038 268
564 927 895*
3 865 333 768
555 061 929*
3 800 624 287
545 769 648*
3 785 797 947
543 640 585*
3 768 864 687
541 208 969*
Health outcomesLYs lost (years)183 17595 63089 55883 61282 97682 448
QALYs lost142 99974 71569 97765 33764 84064 428
Incremental outcomesINMB (¥) (US$)*/21 341 431 540
3 064 629 569*
22 893 657 435
3 287 529 208*
24 410 857 816
3 505 399 182*
24 581 156 000
3 529 854 002*
24 727 102 215
3 550 811 878*
  • 1—current treatment strategy; 2—CAZ-AVI at the third line; 3—CAZ-AVI at the second line; 4—CAZ-AVI at the first line; 5—CAZ/AVI first line, two lines diversified; 6—CAZ/AVI first line, all-lines diversified.

  • The incremental net monetary benefit describes the maximum cost at the defined willingness-to-pay threshold for the additional benefit of alternative treatment strategies.

  • INMB = QALYS gained × willingness-to-pay per QALY − incremental costs

  • *Exchange rate: ¥1=US$0.1436 (9 December 2022).

  • INMB, incremental net monetary benefit; LOS, length of stay; LYs, life years; QALYs, quality-adjusted life years.